Leland Little Garden Club Tour Set For June 24

Spend a day in summer’s glory, visiting six spectacular gardens located in Leland and the surrounding area. The Leland Little Garden Club Tour is set for Thursday, June 24, 2021 and is sponsored by the Little Garden Club of Leland.

The gardens — which showcase a variety of styles, environments, and features — can be visited in any direction. A map featuring the address, owner, and description is included in the ticket brochure. 

Tickets are $15 and benefit the Garden Club’s grants program, which supports local garden beautification and plant education projects in Leelanau County. They can be purchased from Garden Club members, local garden centers and several Leland shops. They are also available at the Old Art Building on the day of the tour. The tour is a rain or shine event.

A sneak peek at the six 2021 gardens:

• On a bluff over 500+ feet of Lake Michigan frontage are thousands of planted pine trees, some reaching 40 feet tall. To establish a stable transition from the bluff to the existing lawn surface, a rock garden, walkways, and stone patio was designed and constructed at the highest point of the bluff featuring 180-degree views of Good Harbor Bay and the Manitou Islands. Other parts of the acreage have become wildflower natural areas.

• “Sanctuary for Monarch Rest and Recovery Garden:” A young garden and a work-in-progress became the backbone to a certified Monarch Way Station. The garden contains a variety of native milkweed blooms and nectar producing plants which insure nectar throughout the migration. The steeps slopes are planted with a Bee Rescue Wildflower Mix, and favorite plants in the garden attract Hummingbirds and varieties of pollinators.

• From the top of the drive to the boardwalk leading to the lake, there is always something in bloom. Native plants overflow, framed with roses, perennials and dune grasses. Native trees add privacy and softness. Stone benches, sitting stones and pieces of shipwreck are placed in various areas to enjoy the views.

• This magnificent Formal Sun Garden was started in 2001. The circular layout of the garden was decided upon by the circle drive with inspiration for the brick detail seen in a garden while visiting Boston. The garden was planned, planted and is cared for by the owners.

• Eagle’s Nest is inspired by trying to create tropical paradises in Michigan gardens. Ornamental grasses (hundreds of varieties), knockout roses ( in memory of the owner’s mother), lilies ( in memory of the owner’s grandmother) perennials, herbs and edible flowers are changed every year for color scheme changes.

• A circa 1900 cottage takes on new life with an informal cottage style flower garden, a small fish pond, picket fencing and is chock full of spring bulbs, shrubs, roses, perennials and annuals providing a show of color. Several rock gardens take advantage of the sloping nature of the property. A central path leads to other rock gardens and planted beds, both floral and vegetable. A reclaimed stone terrace wall accents a seating and dining area with a small fountain.

Artists will paint in the gardens on the day of the event — they are members of the Old Art Building (OAB) who paint together en plein air. Their paintings along with many other garden-inspired works by local artists will be available at the “Art of the Garden” show at the Old Art Building, in Leland Thursday June 24 to Sunday June 27, 11am to 5pm.