Leelanau News and Events

New Businesses

Vintage Leland Kristen Noble Northport

Tere Cleaning Services Maria T. Garcia Martinez TC

Sweet Meadow Music Susan J. Pocklington Empire

Stimson Services Brian Jay Stimson Cedar

Steimel Brothers Farm Allen D. Steimel, Mark C. Steimel Suttons Bay

MC Garcia's Services Maria del Garcia TC

Little Finger Foods RebeccaG. Carlson Suttons Bay

J. Rollings Renovations Jason Rollings Lake Leelanau

Goral Designs Helmut P. Goral Cedar

Fieldstone Acres Dorothy M. Miller, Edward L. Miller Cedar

Distinctive Coatings Paul Orth TC

Currier Cottage Jerry Currier Maple City

Cornerstone Construction Timothy R. Byers TC

Coldwell Farm Tanya Popp Lake Leelanau

BJK Metallurgical Beverly J. Killman Cedar

Bayside Service Kent Newcomb Suttons Bay

Assurance Painting Chadd A. Steimel Suttons Bay

Aishwarya Nukala Interiors Aishwarya Nukala Lake Leelanau

Blue Dog Residentail Services Taylor Converse Lake Leelanau

Taylor Converse Consulting Taylor Converse Lake Leelanau

Fourth Annual Northport Tea Dance On For September 29

Northport’s biggest annual pride celebration, the Tea Dance, is coming back for a fourth year this fall. ...

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Property Watch: Snazzy Fort Road Mansion

This "spectacular and chic" home not far from Suttons Bay offers more than 8,000 square feet of ...

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Empire Master Planning: 'Getting to the Values'

The call is out to anyone who lives, works or plays in Empire to help steer the ...

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'School For Real Life': Inside Suttons Bay Public Schools' Evolving Education Approach

What does summertime look like for a school district? For teachers and administrators, June, July, and August ...

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